Message on Magic from the Angels

In this Message, the Angels give us a surprisingly interesting perspective and insight on Magic, triggering a process of reconnection with the magical part of ourselves and with the ancient times in which Magic was not yet banned from our culture and society.
They address many topic questions such as:
What is Magic?
What role will it play in our lives in the times to come?
How to activate it within us?

Love, Gratitude and Blessings,

The Heralds of the New Era

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Message from Saint Francis of Assisi: About Love

What is Love? Where does the Energy of Love come from? Is it constantly generated or was it generated only once, at the beginning of the Creation? Are we human beings also creators of the Energy of Love, or do we just channel Universal Love? We asked these questions to “our” Guides and, with our greatest amazement, we received not only an answer, but also a flavour of the vibrant experience from one of the greatest Masters of Love of our history: Saint Francis of Assisi.

Love, Gratitude and Blessings,

The Heralds of the New Era

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Spiritual Elevation and Grounding

grounding4Dear Friends in the Evolution,

The message you’re about to read contains an extraordinary explanation of how we must interpret and live the Spirituality in the New Era. It’s an invitation to leave behind the illusions of the New Age, and to live our own spiritual Elevation without forgetting the importance of the Grounding in our present lives. This is the only way to develop the wisdom and the consciousness that will enable us to transform, in a concrete way, our daily lives and our society. You’re part of these important and unique changes in the History of Humanity and you must be proud for deciding to come to Earth during this as crucial as extraordinary phase. Reading the wise words of the Angels you will easily get what I mean.

Love, Gratitude and Blessings,

Simone Focacci

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Prayer for the New Era

 ARCANGELO MICHELEIn this extraordinary prayer, Archangel Michael revives the memory of an ancient prayer whose presence is deeply rooted in our unconscious, revitalizing its message and resurrecting its strength, with a new energy, completely in line with the present times and with the New Era we are already living.

It is wonderful and indeed very powerful, therefore we recommend you read it with great attention, let its poetry touch you and let its words work a transformation within you.

Like any other prayer, it should be repeated every day, or at least until you will have experienced the transformation it will bring you.

Love, Gratitude and Blessings,

The Eralds of the New Era

Let us know your thoughts! We welcome all your comments.


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Universal Pray

This Prayer was channelled by Simone Focacci and is dedicated to the manifestation of the New Era, which must primarily happen in the interior of each of us. It is wonderful and indeed very powerful, therefore we recommend you read it with great attention, let its poetry touch you and let its words work a transformation within you. Like any other prayer, it should be repeated every day, or at least until you will have experienced the transformation it will bring you.

Love, Gratitude and Blessings,

The Eralds of the New Era

Let us know your thoughts! We welcome all your comments.

10294358_1444738655764333_7397133432534374932_n-264x300May Peace descend upon each of us.

May the cure be ours and descend now upon every part of our being, in every cell of our body.

May the clarity be impressed now upon our mind.

May Understanding and Intuition merge now within us, to create Confidence and Right Way.

May the searching of the Truth transform  us into the Truth; may the desire of Freedom set us free and the curiosity for the Source trasmute us into the Source itself.

May Love reach our hearts and give us the certainty of being who we are, to acknowlege ourselves as well as this Love and our worthiness of it.

May The Holy Christ Energy permeate the heart of each and every man, nurture the Heart of every man, nurture ourselves and through us be manifested.

In Glory, Richness and Beatitude! Amen

Message for the Feminine

Dear friends in the Evolution, I channeled this message the day after the International Woman Day and it is an explicit exhortation for your Feminine Awakening.

It’s a warm invitation, considering our process of evolution, to think about the emancipation and the independence of the woman under a new perspective, to disrupt old Thought Forms that are blocking women, as well as, men on our Planet. As reminded in the message, the Awakening of Feminine Energy is the only possible way in the New Era.

This movement will allow us all to express a healthy personal power, which will trigger crucial changes in our personal lives, in our society and around the world. I wish you that this message will help you during your journey of Personal Growth, to better understand the self-limiting dynamics you’re experiencing, so that you can transmute them and become free to co-create the future you desire 🙂

Love, Gratitude and Blessings


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Message from Archangel Gabriel for the New Year 2016

Dear friends in the Evolution,

In this post you will find a precious gift to humanity from Archangel Gabriel. He, the “Emissary of the Word of God”, brings to us Annunciations and messages of the utmost importance. I’m honored and pleased to have channeled this unique message, and fulfilling His wish I’m delivering those word to all of you. Channeling Archangel Gabriel is for me an extraordinary event. I invite you to read the message with respect and full attention, letting go every resistance. Let the Energy and your emotions flow free and nurture your Soul. Share this post with whomever you think will be deeply touched by Archangel Gabriel’s words.

Love, Gratitude and Blessings,


Let us know your thoughts! We welcome all your comments.


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METATRON “For the New Humanity”

Dear friends in the Evolution 🙂 ,

with great amazement I’m writing this post to announce you the gift you are about to receive. It is such a special gift that I felt a duty to write this post in order to introduce it and explain it properly 😉 After many years, since 2007 to be precise, He came back! By “Him” I mean Metatron. Do you know how He is?

Whenever GOD wants to communicate with Humanity, He has to use by necessity some intermediary that would “filter” the Superior Energy, otherwise no Channeler could ever channel these messages without literally exploding! Channeling Metatron is indeed a great deal of a challenge, and to my knowledge there exist just a handful of other people in the world that maybe are capable of this… Then, it is indeed an exceptional Channeling even for myself. In fact, since 2007 I happened to Channel the energy of Metatron several times in the classical way, that is the spoken one most common to Channelers (I shift my Consciousness and let the coming Angel speak through my body), but it always lasted for two/three minutes, not more, and it could not be otherwise.

Whenever He wises to convey long and articulated Messages, the only way to do it is through “automatic writing”, and again it happens only when some particular Astrologic Conjunction is in place.

Now, what is this Contact about? After an initial preamble, He divides Humanity into four “categories” and addresses each of them individually, actually speaking four different Messages embedded in a single Contact. I named the four categories the Evil ones, the Unawares, the Dormants and the Heralds. The structure itself is just so ingenious; furthermore, what He says and how He says it is really extraordinary! Thank God :-), the messages are very little New-Age-like, nothing like “open your heart to love and everything will be fine”. Every time I reread it, I am astonished by how each and every word of His is noting nut Pure Truth! The first people with whom I shared the Contact were as well much impressed, of course each of them in his/her own way, and to the extent of what he/she could take in. As you will read by yourself, He says this Contact will be relevant for at least the next 20 to 30 years. Therefore it is very unlikely you may fully comprehend it with just a single reading. Enough said, I don’t want to spoil it for you 😉

Needless to say, in spite of all the “New-Age prophecies” and illusions put forward by false gurus, our reality is not doing well at all! And the bare fact that I myself had to Channel first Archangel Gabriel and then even Metatron within less then two months, should make you reflect. Keep in mind that these particular Superior Entities only come along when Humanity needs to make important choices and sits on the verge of a chasm, or of a global restart. Consider as well that, because of the extraordinariness of the Message, he expressly requested us to translate this Contact into other languages and to spread it as much as possible! Some of my students have already translated it into English, French and Spanish. German is still lacking since at the moment I do not know anyone speaking it fluently. Therefore, if there is anyone among you readers that knows this language and wishes to do it, that would be very welcome. You are just required to be as faithful as possible to His words and to cite the source, that is our group and my website Thank you ;-).

That said, let me come to the most unpleasing part of my work: asking for money :-/. The Contact itself is a gift (and a warning) that “the DIRECTION” wished to convey to Humanity, therefore it is totally free! But all the rest is not free for us. Consider that behind each Contact you will read in this website, now and in the future, there are (besides “my” Channeling) many unpaid hours that my talented collaborators spent for the translation, and obviously the (not small) expenses for maintaining the website. Therefore every donation is a godsend and will allow us to continue the divulgation work that the Angels required us to do. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Should it be difficult for you to make a donation, don’t worry, happily download the Contact and let peace be with you :-). The most important thing, however, is not to approach it as a “normal” message: do make use of it to work on yourself!

To summarize, what to do with this amazing gift?

  1. Print the Contact and read it only when you have at least 30 minutes of peace, so that you can pay the due attention to your emotions.
  2. Ponder extensively on each and every point, and reread it at least once a month. Consider that every time you will read it, you will understand something more ;-).
  3. Share it with whomever you wish, provided you do not change a single word and that you mention the source.
  4. A donation is highly welcome, if you can afford it!

Love, Gratitude and Blessings,


Let us know your thoughts! We welcome all your comments.

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